Who we are

Venus in Cancer is a queer garment brand inspired by playfulness and sensuality. We're fostering a world that's affirming, pleasurable, and joyful through original garments and artwork, reliable information and resources, and a collaborative community. Venus in Cancer is queer and Latinx created and owned. We are based in Oakland, California which sits on unceded Huchiun territory of the Lisjan (Ohlone) people. 
Sofía (she/they) is the Founder and Creative Director at Venus in Cancer. Sofía was inspired to create Venus in Cancer when they were visiting their home, Rosario, Argentina, and met queer people like her who were designing and making handmade, bold, and beautiful garments under their own, original brand names. 

Sofía has worked as a case manager, sex educator, and researcher in women-led institutions and teams focused on HIV, contraception, abortion stigma, self-managed medication abortion, feminist activism, and birth work in the United States, Latin America, India, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Southeast Asia. Sofía holds a Master of Public Health degree from Brown University.

Sofía was born in Rosario, Argentina and immigrated to the United States with her family when she was eight years old. They spend their time cooking and eating vegan food, and visiting national parks with Ignacio, surfing with her friends, taking care of her plants, and spending time with her guinea pigs, Neptune and Pomodoro. She loves writing and is currently studying to become a prenatal and postpartum yoga instructor. Sofía is a Taurus rising, Pieces moon, and Cancer sun. Her Venus is in Cancer. 

Ignacio Ercole (they/them) is the Co-Founder and Art Director at Venus in Cancer. Ignacio is an argentine vegan queer artist, psychologist and mindfulness trainer. 

Their work is characterized for the mixture of chaos and balance depicting figures, symbols and abstract textures using the combination of different mediums like acrylics, oil paint, watercolors, charcoal and spray paint. To view and purchase more of Ignacio's art, visit ignacioercole.art.

In addition to exploring visual and sound art, Ignacio has also been trained as a psychodrama facilitator and contextual and mindfulness based therapy psychologist. They teach mindfulness programs for general audiences and for educators, including mindful art classes and mindful eating sessions. Ignacio is currently the art director of the Center for Creative Inquiry and the designer for Mangalam Research Center

Ignacio is a Gemini rising, Libra moon, and Pisces sun. Their Venus is in Aquarius.